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( bakoitza)

  • 1 adin

    iz. [cf. Aquit. "adin(n)-" in "Dannadinnis", cf. Iber. "adin", an external coincidence]
    1. ( p.)
    a. age; zer \adin duzu? what's your age? | what age are you?; \adin berekoak dira they're of the same age; \adinez nagusi adult | of adult age; \adinez txiki minor ;\adinez txikiko minor | underage
    b. ( bizidunei d.) age; edozein \adinetako zakurrentzat for dogs of any age; haritz horren \adina the age of that oak unibertsoaren \adin the age of the university
    c. nire \adinekoa da i. ( kanta, e.a.) it's from my time ii. ( p.) (s)he's my age
    a. ( bizi-aldiari d.) year, age; gizon gazte hura \adinaren lorean hil zen that young man died in the flower of his youth; \adinean sartua da (s)he's up in {his || her} years ; \adinetara heldua up there in years; \adinetan iragana up in {his || her} years; \adinekoa da (s)he's elderly | (s)he's up in years
    b. ( bizia banatzen den zati bakoitza) hirugarren \adinekoak the elderly | senior citizens ; \adin gordin robust age; \adin handiko aged | of great age; \adin nagusi legal age; \adin oneko adult | full-grown; \adin txikiko minor
    3. ( adimena) reason; \adinera iritsi to reach the age of reason
    4. Geog. age

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > adin

  • 2 aldarte

    a. ( osasunari d.) disposition; zuk beti \aldarte ona duzu you' re always well-disposed
    b. ( umorea) mood; \aldarte onak good moods; gaur ez dago \aldarte oneko he' s not in a good mood; \aldarteak hartzen badu if the mood strikes him; \aldarte onetan oso zen atsegin she was very nice when she was in a good mood
    c. ( ilargia) phase
    d. ( eguraldi) season; han ez da eguraldi \aldarterik over there there are no seasons in the weather
    e. ( tarte) interval; uzten ditu bizirik gaiztoak, \aldartez, batzutan sometimes, occasionally He lets bad people live; \aldartez bai, \aldartez ez sometimes it is, sometimes it isn' t; \aldartez eguzkia ateratzen zen the sun came out now and then
    f. trial, distress; gero heldu zitzaizkien \aldarteak eta atsekabeak formala. later on they had trials and tribulations visited upon them formala.
    a. ( unea) moment; zeren Jainkoa baitan ez da ez orenik ez \aldarte gaitzik for in God there is neither time nor bad moments
    b. ( aukera) occasion; \aldarte guztiez baliatu ziren they took advantage of every occasion
    3. \aldarteak sudden changes, vicissitudes
    4. Arkaismoa. ( aldiria, ingurua) area; \aldarte haietan in those areas
    5. Arkaismoa. ( aldaketa) Jaungoikoarengan \aldarterik eta mudantza egiazkorik ez da gertatzen there are no true changes and variations as far as God' s concerned

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aldarte

  • 3 artilleria

    iz. Mil.
    1. ( multzoa) artillery; \artilleria arin light artillery; \artilleria astun heavy artillery
    2. ( kanoi bakoitza) piece of artillery

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > artilleria

  • 4 errape

    a. ( ugatzetako bakoitza) teat; \errapeak esnez beteak teats full of milk
    2. (esa.) aldameneko ahuntzak \errape handia (atsot.) the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill (atsot.)

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > errape

  • 5 gai

    1. material
    2. matter, stuff Lagunart. ; politika-\gaietan aditua an expert in political matters
    3. ( hitzaldiari, arazoari d.)
    a. topic, subject; eztabaidaren \gaiak the subjects of the discussion
    b. ( bertso lehiaketari d.) subject
    c. ( literarari d.) theme; Bakardadea \gaitzat harturik eleberria bat idatzi zuen he wrote a novel in which he took up the theme of solitude; eleberriaren \gai nagusia the main theme of the novel
    4. ( ezkongaia) engaged; alaba \gai dugu our daughter is engaged
    5. (Biol.) matter; \gai gris grey matter io.
    1. ( gauza) capable, able; e-r egiteko \gai izan to be able to do sth | to be capable of doing sth ; haren hitz bakoitza \gai da bihotza erdiratzeko each one of his words is enough to break your heart; hau gabe ez gara \gai pentsamendu on bat ere egiteko without this we are incapable of thinking good thoughts; ez naizela jendarteko \gai I'm not able to communicate in public | I'm not good with the public; ezin uka beraz \gai denik gure herria horretarako eta gehiagorako thus it cannot be denied that our country is capable of that and more
    2. ( prest) ready, prepared, set; gudarako \gai dira they're prepared for war; dena \gai dagoenean, joan egingo gara when everything's ready, we'll go; \gai bihur gaitezen lanari ekiteko formala. let us prepare ourselves to tackle the job formala.

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gai

  • 6 mutur

    a. ( txerriena, e.a.) snout, nose
    b. ( behiena, txakurrena) nose
    c. (irud.) (ontziarena) lip
    a. mouth, kisser Argot., snout Lagunart. ; \muturrean jo zian he knocked him in the kisser Argot.
    b. ( ezpainak b.b.) lips, thick lips; gazte mutur-handi bat a youth with big, thick lips
    c. ( aurpegia) mug Lagunart., face; \mutur beltz sullen face; i-i \mutur beltza jarri to glare at sb | to make a bad face at sb; \mutur gaizto scowling face
    d. (esa.) (irud.) \mutur beltza dauka gaur eguraldiak the weather looks nasty today; guztiok ezagutzen dugu kapitalismoaren \mutur beltza all of us are familiar with the nasty side of capitalism; ez sartu \muturra! don't stick your nose in this!; i-i \muturrak hautsi to beat sb; \muturraren gainera erori to fall flat on one's face; \muturrez aurrera erori to fall head first; i-kin \muturrez egin to run into sb; \muturrez erori to fall flat on one's face; \muturrez \mutur egon to have fallen out | to be at odds
    a. ( oro.) end, tip; oin-\muturra lurrean, orpoa, berriz, airean zuen the tip of his toes were on the ground while his heel was up in the air; kapela \mutur zorrotz bat a pointed hat
    b. ( zatia) piece; lukainka \mutur bana jan zuten they each ate a piece of sausage
    e. ( makilari d.) end, tip
    f. ( makila zorrotzari d.) tip, point
    g. ( pistolari d.) butt, grip
    h. Aeron. ( hegazkinari d.) nose; \muturrez erori to nosedive
    i. ( suziriari d.) nosecone
    j. Aut. ( autoari d.) nose, hood
    k. Nekaz. ( goldeari d.) end
    l. ( bietan bakoitza; elkarrengandik urruti dauden puntuak) extreme, end; \mutur batean faxismoa dugu at one extreme there is fascism; Vladivostok Errusiaren beste \muturrean dago Vladivostok is at the other end of Russia; gure mahai-\muturreko lagunak our friends at the end of the table; eskuin-\muturreko \\ ezker-\muturreko alderdiak extreme rightwing \\ extreme leftwing parties; auzitegiak hogeita seina urteko kartzela zigorra ezarri die eskuin \muturreko bostei the court sentenced each of the five right-wing extremists to 26 years in prison; azken \muturreraino jo dute they've taken it to extremes
    4. Geog. cape; Matxitxakoko M\muturra Cape Matxitxako
    5. ( ausardia) audacity, gall, nerve; e-r egiteko \muturra ukan to have to {nerve || gall || audacity} to do sth
    6. ( pittin) bit; diru \mutur bat a bit of money; euri \mutur bat a bit of rain adb. disgustedly; \mutur egon to be put out

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > mutur

  • 7 nor

    izo. [ galderazkoa ]
    a. ( subjektua bada) who; \nor da? who is it?; \nor da hau? who's this?; \nor etorri da? who has come?; \nork daki? who knows?; \nork ikusi zituen? who saw them?; baina \nork gonbidatu \nor? Urrusolak Agirre ala Agirrek Urrusola? but who invited whom? Did Urrusolak invite Agirre or the other way around?
    b. ( subjektua ez bada) who, whom formala. ; \nor ikusten duzu? {who || whom formala. } do you see?; \norekin etorri zinen? who did you come with? | with whom did you come? ; \nori eman zenizkion liburu horiek? who did you give those books to? | to whom did you give those books? formala. ; \nortaz hitz egin zuten who did they talk about? formala.
    c. ( erretorika galderetan) who; \nor naiz, beraz, holako gauza eskatzeko? who am I to ask for such a thing
    d. ( zeharkako galdera) who; ba al dakizu \nor naizen? do you know who I am?; ez dakit \nork egin duen I don't know who's done it; badakite \norekin ari diren they know who they're dealing with; han egoten dira, \nor ageriko they're usually there waiting for someome to show up; \nor den begiratzeke without looking who it is; \nor den ere whoever it is; \nor datorren ere whoever comes
    2. ( bakoitza) each; \nor bere ostatu jakinean bezala like every one in his habitual tavern; \nork bere etxea babesteko for every one to protect their home | so that everyone can defend their home; \nori berea zor zaiona that which is due to each one; hiru lagun gonbidatu zituen aurkezleak, \nor baino \nor intelektualago three people were invited by the TV presenter with each one outdoing the other in playing the intellectual
    3. (I) Arkaismoa. bainan \nork begiratzen baitu Haren hitza egiazki, hura baitan Jainkoaren amodioa kunplitu da but in him who truly defends His word, the love of God is fulfilled
    4. \nor edo \nor somebody, someone; \nor edo \nor hiltzen denean when somebody dies; \nor edo \nork egingo du someone (or the other) will do it
    5. ( \nor ere)
    a. whoever; \nor ere beharretan baita whoever is in need; ezen \nork ere baitu hari emango zaio for if anyone has any, it will be given to him; \nori ere pot eginen baitiot, hura da if I'm going to kiss anyone, it's her; \nor gezurra erranen baitu, gaztigatua izanen da whoever lies will be punished; \nork bere laguna maite badu, laguntzen du whoever loves his friend, helps him
    b. \nor ere baitzara, adiskidea, barkatu whoever you are, my friend, forgive me
    6. \nor eta who but; \nor eta errege bera etorri zen the king himself came, no less | who should come but the king | the king, of all people, came; iraingarria da bere burua zibilizatutzat duen gizarte batentzat, \nortzuk eta zaharrek beren diru-sarrera urriak berdinduko dituen zerbaiten bila zakarrontzietan miaka ibili behar dutela jakitea it is insulting for a society that calls itself civilized to learn that old people, of all people, have to rummage through garbage cans in search of something that will supplement their meagre income

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > nor

  • 8 norbera

    1. oneself; \norbera nolako, besteak uste halako as you see yourself so will others see you; karitate egiazkoa hasten, bada, \norberarengadik true charity starts with oneself; galdetuko duzu: \ldblquote Nola ikasten da \norbera maitatzen?" you may ask, \ldblquote How do I learn to like myself?" ; lagun hurkoa \norbera bezala help your neighbour as you would yourself; \norbera bizi den etxeari ez dio inork su ematen nobody sets fire to the house they themselves are living in; nork jakin dezake bere bihotz-barrenkoa \norberak baino hobeto? who can know the innermost recesses of one's heart better than oneself?; \norberaren kaltean izan arren even if it goes against one's interests; arazoak: \norberarenak eta besterenak problems: one's own and those of others; euskara \norberaren \ldblquote ama hizkuntza" dela uste badu norbaitek, ez da zaila izan behar ikasketak euskaraz egitea if someone believes Basque to be one's own \ldblquote mother tongue", it shouldn't be hard to pursue one's studies in Basque; \norberaren gogoz kontra ezkontzea ez da bidezkoa it is not right to marry against one's will
    2. ( bakoitza) each one; poesian \norberak bere hizkera du in poetry each one has his or her voice

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > norbera

  • 9 zein

    [from *zeen from zeren] erak. which; \zein liburu nahi duzu? which book do you want? izo.
    a. which one; semeetatik \zein egin duzu ondoko? which one of your sons have you made the heir?; \zein nahi duzu? which one do you want?
    b. ( bat baino gehiago delarik) \zein dira? which ones are they?
    2. (G) ( nor) who; \zein da? who is it? junt.
    a. how; \zein ederto zoazen! how nice you're coming along!
    b. ( elipsia) how; \zein ederra! how great!
    c. ikusirik \zein gauza guti edireiten den euskara izkiriaturik seeing how little is found written in Basque
    a. as well as; emakumeak \zein gizonak, umeak \zein helduak women as well as men, children as well as adults; irabazi \zein galdu to win as well as lose
    b. \zein... \zein either... or; \zein batera \zein bestera one way or the other
    a. ( bakoitza) each ; \zeinak bere motaren arabera each according to its own kind ; \zein ere den gauzagatik for whatever thing it might be ; \zeinek bere itxura, herrik bere aztura (atsot.) so many countries, so many customs; \zein bere bidetik joan da, hartu zuten \zeinek bere bidea each went his own way
    b. \zein baino \zein...-ago as... as the other; euskaldunak \zein baino \zein burugogorragoak ziren one Basque was as hardheaded as the other ; Coca-Cola eta Pepsi jo eta ke ari dira \zeinek baino \zeinek gehiago Coca-Cola and Pepsi are {actively || busily} trying to outdo each other; \zeinek baino \zeinek gaiztakeria gehiago eginez each one outdoing the other in committing outrages; han ari dira \zeinek hobeki eta elkarri bekaiztu gabe there each one works as well as the next without anyone feeling jealous; holakoak ziren, \zein baino \zein lasaiago eta lotsagalduago that's how they were, one as permissive and brazen as the other
    4. ( bezain) as... as; hain ona da eztia osagarritzat \zein janaritzat honey is as good as an ingredient as a food; zelatan dagoenak, bere gaizkia, hain sarri entzun dezake \zein ongia an eavesdropper can hear evil as often as he can good
    5. Lit. who, whom; Piarres, \zeina duela hogei urte herri honetako auzapeza baitzen, Parisera joanen da bihar Piarres, who was the mayor of this town twenty years ago, will go to Paris tomorrow; Piarres ikusi dut, \zeinek ez baitit hitzik erran I saw Piarres who didn't utter a word to me; gizon horrek, \zeinek zerbitzu handi bat egin baitit, nire eskerrak merezi ditu that man, who did me a great service, deserves my gratitude; arbola, \zeinen itzalean jarri bainaiz, haritz zahar bat da the tree, under whose shade I have sat down in, is an old oak; etxea, \zeinetan bizi bainaiz, zaharra da the house in which I live is old; bi zakur \zeinetarik bat gaiztoa baitzen two dogs of which one is mean; zer da adiskide bat, \zeinetarik ez baitugu fidantzarik? what is a friend in whom we have no trust?; emakume hori, \zeinetaz mintzo bainaiz, amaren adiskidea da that woman about whom I am talking is my mother's friend formala. | the woman I am talking about is my mother's friend; gizon hori, \zeini diru asko utzi baitiozu, ez da bat ere fidatzekoa that man to whom you lent money is not trustworthy

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zein

  • 10 zigorrada

    1. lashing, punishment; lapur zikin horrek \zigorrada ederra merezi dik that dirty thief could with a good lashing
    2. ( kolpe bakoitza) lash; berrogei \zigorrada hartu zuen he received forty lashes

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zigorrada

  • 11 zoro

    a. madness, insanity, lunacy; bakoitza bere \zoroa bizi du to each his own
    b. ( p.) lunatic, mad man
    2. delusion, fantasy; bakoitzak bere \zoroak bizi ditu each to his own io.
    1. ( ero) mad, crazy; \zoro zaude you're {mad || crazy}; zaharrago eta \zoroago the older you get, the madder you get
    2. ( aberea) runaway adb.
    1. insanely
    2. ( ergelki) foolishly, sillily, stupidly

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zoro

См. также в других словарях:

  • Ituren — Village d Ituren vue Ameztia …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Txirrita — Wikimedia Commons alberga contenido multimedia sobre Txirrita. Commons …   Wikipedia Español

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